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2019.03-2021.08,美国马塞诸塞大学阿默斯特分校,博士联合培养,导师:Dong Wang副教授;




1. 抗逆:结合蒺藜苜蓿、拟南芥、烟草、酵母等模式生物,详细解析了紫花苜蓿耐旱等抗逆基因的功能,培育抗逆紫花苜蓿新材料;

2. 固氮:利用蒺藜苜蓿突变体库、CRISPR、蛋白定位、显微切片、化学染色等手段,多方位解析豆科牧草固氮基因的分子机理。




1. Luo Dong, Zhou Qiang, Wu Yuguo, Chai Xutian, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong, Yang Qingchuan, Wang Zengyu, Liu Zhipeng*. Full-length transcript sequencing and comparative transcriptomic analysis to evaluate the contribution of osmotic and ionic stress components towards salinity tolerance in the roots of cultivated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19: 32. IF2019=3.497.

2. Luo Dong?, Wu Yuguo?, Liu Jie, Zhou Qiang, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong, Yang Qingchuan, Wang Zengyu*, Liu Zhipeng*. Comparative transcriptomic and physiological analyses of Medicago sativa L. indicates that multiple regulatory networks are activated during continuous ABA treatment. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20: 47. IF2019=4.556.

3. Luo Dong, Zhou Qiang, Ma Lichao, Xie Wengang, Wang Yanrong, Hu xiaowen, Liu Zhipeng*. Novel polymorphic expressed-sequence tag-simple-sequence repeat markers in Campeiostachys nutans for genetic diversity analyses. Crop Science, 2015, 55: 2712-2718. IF2015=1.575.

4. Luo Dong, Liu Wenxian, Wang yanrong, Zhang jiyu, Liu, Zhipeng*. Development of a rapid one-step PCR protocol to distinguish between alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and sweet clover (Melilotus) seeds. Seed Science and Technology, 2014, 42: 237-246. IF2014=0.48.

5. 罗栋, 王彦荣, 刘志鹏*. 2015. 豆科植物裂荚生物学基础的研究进展. 草地学报 23: 927-935.


1. Wu, Yuguo, Luo Dong, Fang Longfa, Zhou Qiang, Liu Wenxian, Liu Zhipeng*. Bidirectional lncRNA transfer between Cuscuta parasites and their host plant. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23: 561. IF2020=5.923.

2. Li, Mingyu, Zhao Lu, Zhou Qiang, Fang Longfa, Luo Dong, Liu Wenxian, Searle Iain R., Liu Zhipeng*. Transcriptome and coexpression network analyses provide in-sights into the molecular mechanisms of hydrogen cyanide synthesis during seed development in common vetch (Vicia sativa L.). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23: 2275. IF2020=5.923.

3. Wu Yuguo, Liu Jie, Luo Dong, Deng Hao, Zhou Qiang, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. A universal method for rapid identification of alfalfa and burr medic seeds with an emphasis on discriminating different forage species. Grass and Forage Science, 2021, 76: 353-362. IF2020=2.63.

4. Bo Cao, Yue Cui, Keke Lou, Dong Luo, Zhipeng Liu, Qiang Zhou*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the Dof gene family in Medicago sativa L. under various abiotic stresses. DNA and Cell Biology, 2020, 39: 1976-1989. IF2020=3.311.

5. Shen Shuheng, Chai Xutian, Zhou Qiang, Luo Dong, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Development of polymorphic EST-SSR markers and characterization of the autotetraploid genome of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia). Peer J, 2019, 7: e6542. IF2019=2.38.

6. Dong Rui, Shen Shuheng, Jahufer Mohamed Z.Z., Dong Deke, Luo Dong, Zhou Qiang, Chai XuTian, Luo Kai, Nan Zhibiao, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Effect of genotype and environment on agronomical characters of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2019, 66:1587-99. IF2019=1.319.

7. Zhou Qiang, Jia Chenglin, Ma Wenxue, Cui Yue, Jin Xiaoyu, Luo Dong, Min Xueyang, Liu Zhipeng*. MYB transcription factors in alfalfa (Medicago sativa): genome-wide identification and expression analysis under abiotic stresses. Peer J, 2019, 7: e7714. IF2019=2.38.

8. Zhou Qiang?, Luo Dong?, Chai Xutian, Wu Yuguo, Wang Yanrong, Nan Zhibiao, Yang Qingchuan, Liu Wenxian, Liu Zhipeng*. Multiple regulatory networks are activated during cold stress in Medicago sativa L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19: 3169. IF2018=4.32.

9. Dong Rui, Dong Deke, Luo Dong, Zhou Qiang, Chai Xutian, Zhang Jiyu, Xie Wengang, Liu Wenxian, Dong Yang, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Transcriptome analyses reveal candidate pod shattering-associated genes involved in the pod ventral sutures of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 649. IF2017=4.298.

10. Wu Yuguo, Dong Rui, Luo Dong, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. A rapid one-step PCR protocol to distinguish between perennial (Lolium perenne L.) and annual (L. multiflorum Lam.) ryegrass seeds. Seed Science and Technology, 2017, 45: 444-454.  IF2017=0.593.

11. Zhou Qiang, Luo Dong, Ma Lichao, Xie Wengang, Wang Yu, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Development and cross-species transferability of EST-SSR markers in Siberian wildrye (Elymus sibiricus L.) using Illumina sequencing. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 20549. IF2016=4.259.

12. Liu Zhipeng*, Liu Peng, Luo Dong, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong. Exploiting Illumina sequencing for the development of 95 novel polymorphic EST-SSR markers in common vetch (Vicia sativa subsp. sativa). Molecules, 2014, 19: 5777-5789. IF2014=2.416.




1. 刘志鹏(导师), 罗栋, 刘洁, 闫龙凤, 洪军, 刘芳, 吴昱果, 王彦荣; 一种抗逆性相关蛋白质及其编码基因和应用. 2020年授权, 中国, 发明专利, 专利号: ZL201910756659.2

2. 刘志鹏(导师), 罗栋, 刘洁, 闫龙凤, 洪军, 刘芳, 吴昱果, 王彦荣. 抗逆性相关蛋白质及其编码基因和应用,2020年授权, 中国, 发明专利, 专利号: ZL201910756657.3.

3. 刘志鹏(导师), 罗栋, 马利超, 王彦荣, 王宇. 鉴定老芒麦种子真伪的特异分子标记试剂盒及其检测方法. 2016年授权, 中国, 发明专利, 专利号: ZL201410022961.2.

4. 刘志鹏(导师), 刘鹏, 罗栋, 王彦荣, 邰建辉, 王宇. 鉴定多年生黑麦草种子真伪的特异分子标记试剂盒及其方法. 2015年授权, 中国, 发明专利, 专利号: ZL201410023022.X.






1. 2014年获硕士研究生国家奖学金;

2. 2016年获博士研究生国家奖学金;

3. 2016年草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室优秀博士主任奖学金;

4. 9001jcc金沙以诚为本第九届研究生学术年会9001jcc金沙以诚为本分论坛优秀论文“三等奖”。


