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牛得草,男,汉族,河南省林州市人,博士,教授,博士生导师,现任9001jcc金沙以诚为本草业系统元素管理与利用研究所所长,主要从事草地生产力与养分管理方面的研究工作,主持或参加国家公益性行业专项、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等项目10余项,在Ecology、Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Geoderma、Science of the Total Environment等期刊发表论文70余篇。









2001年9月-2005年7月 内蒙古农业大学草业科学专业(国家重点学科)学习,获农学学士学位,并获推荐免试研究生资格;

2005年9月-2011年6月 9001jcc金沙以诚为本草业科学专业硕-博连读研究生,导师为任继周院士和傅华教授;

2008年9月-2010年4月 9001jcc金沙以诚为本与美国亚利桑那州立大学联合培养博士,研究方向为生态化学计量学,导师为美国科学院院士James J.Elser 教授。




2011年8月-2013年4月, 9001jcc金沙以诚为本,9001jcc金沙以诚为本,讲师;






70. Xiaobo Yuan, Decao Niu, Luis Weber-Grullon, Hua Fu. Nitrogen deposition enhances plant-microbe interactions in a semiarid grassland: The role of soil physicochemical properties. Geoderma. 2020, 373: UNSP114446.

69. Ying Wang, Ze Ren, Panpan Ma, Zhaomin Wang, Decao Niu, Hua Fua, James J. Elser. Effects of grassland degradation on ecological stoichiometry of soil ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 722: UNSP137910.

68. Ding Guo, Xudong Li, Jing Wang, Decao Niu, Wenfei Guo, Hua Fu, YiqiLuo. Edaphic and microbial determinants of the residence times of active and slow C pools on the Tibetan Plateau. Geoderma. 2020, 357: UNSP113942.


67. Xiaobo Yuan, Decao Niu, Ying Wang, Aaron Boydston, Ding Guo, Xudong Li, Haiyan Wen, Yan Qin, Hua Fu. Litter decomposition in fenced and grazed grasslands: A test of the home- field advantage hypothesis. Geoderma. 2019, 354: UNSP 113876.

66. Xiaobo Yuan, Decao Niu, Laureano A. Gherardi, Yanbin Liu, Ying Wang, James J. Elser, Hua Fu. Linkages of stoichiometric imbalances to soil microbial respiration with increasing nitrogen addition: Evidence from a long-term grassland experiment. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2019, 138: UNSP 107580.

65. Ze Ren, Decao Niu, Panpan Ma, Ying Wang, Hua Fu, James J. Elser. Cascading influences of grassland degradation on nutrient limitation in a high mountain lake and its inflow streams. Ecology. 2019, 100(8): e02755

64. 徐?,庾强,左小安,张春萍,牛得草.氮素添加对草原不同冠层植物光合作用的影响.中国沙漠,2019,39(1):135-141.

63. Decao Niu, Chunping Zhang, Panpan Ma, Hua Fu, James J. Elser. Responses of leaf C:N:P stoichiometry to water supply in the desert shrub Zygophyllum xanthoxylum. Plant biology. 2019, 21(2019): 82-88.


62. Chunping Zhang, Decao Niu, Yuntao Ren, Hua Fu. Extractability of nutrients using Mehlich 3 and ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA methods for selected grassland soils of China. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2018, 9(64):448-454.

61. Chunping Zhang, Decao Niu, Meiling Song, James J. Elser, Jordan G. Okie, Hua Fu. Effects of rainfall manipulations on carbon exchange of cyanobacteria and moss-dominated biological soil crusts. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2018, 124(2018):24-31.

60. Xudong Li, Ding Guo, Chunping Zhang, Decao Niu, Hua Fua, Changgui Wan. Contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration in a semi-arid grassland on the Loess Plateau, China Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 627(2018):1209-1217.

59. Decao Niu, Xiaobo Yuan, Arianne J. Cease, Haiyan Wen, Chunping Zhang, Hua Fu, James J. Elser. The impact of nitrogen enrichment on grassland ecosystem stability depends on nitrogen addition level. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 618(2018):1529-1538.


58. 张宝林,江世高,尚振艳,特木其勒图,赵建,庄光辉,牛得草.贺兰山西坡草地潜在退化过程中土壤碳变化特征.草业科学,2017,34(11):2200-2210.

57. 韩炳宏,牛得草,石明明,袁晓波,吴淑娟,时光,傅华.黄土高原天然草地藻和藓结皮土壤养分特征与差异.中国草地学报,2017,39(1):56-72.

56. 吴让,韩炳宏,韩通,周秉荣,李博,牛得草,傅华.青海省兴海县天然草地牧草生长发育与气候条件的关系.草业科学,2017,34(10):1999-2008.

55. 韩炳宏,牛得草,贺磊,任运涛,吴让,傅华.生物土壤结皮发育及其影响因素研究进展.草业科学,2017,34(9):1793-1801.

54. 任运涛,徐?,张晨曦,张宝林,傅华,牛得草.贺兰山青海云杉针叶C、N、P含量及其计量比随环境因子的变化特征.干旱区资源与环境,2017,31(6):185-191.

53. 任运涛,张晨曦,尚振艳,贺磊,吴淑娟,张宝林,李金博,傅华,牛得草.阿拉善荒漠区5种植物叶片性状的季节动态.干旱区研究,2017,34(4):823-831.

52. 石明明,牛得草,王莹,袁晓波,贺磊,韩炳宏,宗文杰,傅华.围封与放牧管理对高寒草甸植物功能性状和功能多样性的影响.西北植物学报,2017,37(6):1216-1225.


51. 韩炳宏,牛得草,袁晓波,任运涛,石明明,吴让,傅华.围封与放牧措施下生物土壤结皮发育及其微生境土壤养分特征.草地学报,2016,24(6):1218-1225.

50. 刘延斌,张典业,张永超,石明明,尚振艳,贺磊,宗文杰,傅华,牛得草.不同管理措施下高寒退化草地恢复效果评估.农业工程学报,2016,32(24):268-275. (EI)

49. Mingming Shi, Hua Fu, Shujuan Wu, Caixia Wu, Decao Niu. Effects of grazing on plant C, N, P Stoichiometry in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. In: The Future Management of Grazing and Wild Lands in a High-Tech World. Proceedings of the 10th International Rangeland Congress. Cataloguing. Canada. 2016:822-823(会议论文).

48. 任运涛,韩炳宏,张宝林,赵慧,傅华,牛得草.阿拉善荒漠植物叶片矿质元素含量的季节变化.中国沙漠,2016,36(2):383-391

47. 韩炳宏,尚振艳,袁晓波,安卓,文海燕,李金博,傅华,牛得草.氮素添加对黄土高原典型草原长芒草光合特性的影响.草业科学,2016,33(6):1070-1076.

46. 袁晓波,牛得草,吴淑娟,蒲向东,王龙,滕家明,傅华.黄土高原典型草原地上生物量估测模型.生态学报,2016, 36(13):4081-4090.

45. 张永超,袁晓波,牛得草,吴淑娟,张典业,宗文杰,傅华.玛曲高寒草甸高原鼠兔种群数量对植被调控措施的响应草业学报,2016,25(2):87-94.


44. Yan Qin, Decao Niu, Jian Kang, Yanfei Zhou, Xianglin Li. Effects of Livestock Exclusion on Soil Physical and Biochemical Properties of a Desert Rangeland. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2015, 24(6):2587-2595.

43. Han Huige, LI Xudong, NIU Decao, Sharon J HALL, GUO Ding, WAN Changgui, Jennifer K LEARNED, FU Hua. Conventional tillage improves the storage of soil organic carbon in heavy fractions in the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Arid Land. 2015,7(5): 636?643.

42. 袁晓波,尚振艳,牛得草,傅华.黄土高原生态退化与恢复.草业科学,2015,32(3):363-371.

41. 石明明,张永超,张典业,任运涛,宗文杰,傅华,牛得草.高寒草甸草地微斑块植物特征及其土壤性质的研究.草业学报,2015, 24(9):197-205.

40. Yali Zou, Decao Niu, Hua Fu, Yongchao Zhang, Changgui Wan. Moderate grazing promotes ecosystem carbon sequestration in an Alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences. 2015, 25(3):165-171.

39. 李茜,任运涛,牛得草,张宝林,赵慧,傅华. 几种旱生灌木种子萌发特性及化学成分.中国沙漠,2015,35(2):345-351.

38. 缪秀梅,张丽静,陈晓龙,吴淑娟,牛得草,傅华. 水分胁迫下白沙蒿幼苗抗性与其膜脂构成关系研究. 草业学报,2015,24(2):55-61.

37. 陈鸿洋,尚振艳,傅华,张宝林,张斯莲,牛得草. 荒漠区不同大小灌丛周围土壤微生物生物量及活性特征. 草业学报,2015,24(2):70-7636.

36. 韩会阁,尚振艳,牛得草,傅华. 氮素添加对黄土高原典型草原植物比叶面积及其重要值的影响. 草地学报,2015,23(1):69-74.


35. 邹亚丽,牛得草,杨益,文海燕,傅华. 氮素添加对黄土高原典型草原土壤氮矿化的影响. 草地学报,2014,22(3):461-468.

34. 张典业,牛得草,陈鸿洋,张永超,傅华. 青藏高原东缘高寒草甸地上生物量的估测模型. 山地学报,2014,32(4):453-459.

33. Chunping Zhang, Decao Niu, Sharon J. Hall, Haiyan Wen, Xudong Li, Hua Fu, Changgui Wan, James J. Elser. Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on soil respiration components and their temperature sensitivities in a semiarid grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2014, 75(2014):113-123.

32. 江世高,尚振艳,牛得草,张宝林,张斯莲,傅华. 贺兰山西坡草地植物多样性与其叶片C:N:P计量比的关系. 干旱区研究,2014,31(3):523-529.


31. Chunping Zhang, Xudong Li, Decao Niu, Hongrong Zhang, Hua Fu. Effects of rain events on carbon fluxes from biological soil crusts. In: Revitalising grasslands to sustain our communities. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Conference. CSIRO. Australia. 2013:1249-1250(会议论文).

30. Huige Han, Xudong Li, Decao Niu, Hua Fu. Distribution of soil organic carbon fraction as related to land use and management in the Loess Plateau, northern China. In: Revitalising grasslands to sustain our communities. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Conference. CSIRO. Australia. 2013:1241-1242(会议论文).

29. Yongchao Zhang, Decao Niu, Tong Han, Dianye Zhang , Hua Fu. Litter decomposition rate indicates species status in the plant community of alpine meadow. In: Revitalising grasslands to sustain our communities. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Conference. CSIRO. Australia. 2013:1435-1436(会议论文).

28. Shulan Su, Xudong Li, Decao Niu, Haiyan Wen, Huige Han, Caixia Wu, Hua Fu. Plant C, N, P stoichiometry was effected with nitrogen deposition on the Loess Plateau, China. In: Revitalising grasslands to sustain our communities. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Conference. CSIRO. Australia. 2013:1548-1549(会议论文).

27. Shujuan Wu, Lijing Zhang, Xiaolong Chen, Xiumei Miao, Decao Niu, Hua Fu. Fatty acid analysis of the transgenic tobacco expressing a delta 6-desaturase gene from Microula sikkimensis. In: Revitalising grasslands to sustain our communities. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Conference. CSIRO. Australia. 2013:389-390(会议论文).

26. Decao Niu, Hongyang Chen, Shigao Jiang, Li Liu, Hongrong Zhang, Hua Fu. Carbon sequestration in relation to shrub size in the desert ecosystem. In: Revitalising grasslands to sustain our communities. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Conference. CSIRO. Australia. 2013:1243-1244(会议论文).

25. Hongyang Chen, Decao Niu, Shigao Jiang, Li Liu, Caixia Wu, Hua Fu. The characters of soil microbial biomass and metabolic quotient associated with shrub development in the arid region. In: Revitalising grasslands to sustain our communities. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Conference. CSIRO. Australia. 2013:1433-1434(会议论文).

24. 楚秉泉, 牛得草,傅华. 新疆不同居群罗布白麻叶片的营养元素含量特征. 草业科学. 2013, 30(8):1224-1228.

23. 文海燕,傅 华,牛得草,张永超. 大气氮沉降对黄土高原土壤氮特征的影响. 草业科学. 2013, 30(5):694-698.

22. Haiyan Wen, Decao Niu, Hua Fu, Jian Kang. Experimental investigation on soil carbon, nitrogen, and their components under grazing and livestock exclusion in steppe and desert steppe grasslands, Northwestern China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2013, 70(7):3131-3141.

21. 牛得草,陈鸿洋,江世高,常佩静,傅华. 荒漠植物霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylum)不同大小叶片C:N:P化学计量特征. 中国沙漠. 2013, 33(3):703-709.

20. 牛得草,江世高,秦燕,张宝林,曹格图,傅华. 围封与放牧对土壤微生物和酶活性的影响. 草业科学. 2013, 30(4):528-534.

19. 牛得草,李茜,江世高,常佩静,傅华. 阿拉善荒漠区6种主要灌木植物叶片C:N:P化学计量比的季节变化. 植物生态学报. 2013, 37(4):317-325.


18. Hongyang Chen, Decao Niu, Li Liu, Xiaokun Shen, Shigao Jiang and Hua Fu. Aboveground biomass estimation for two shrubs in the desert ecosystem on Alxa Plateau. In: Evolution and future challenges of grasslands and grassland agriculture in the East Asia. Proceedings of the 4th Japan-China-Korea Grassland Conference. TAISEI Print Co. Ltd. Japan. 2012:80-81(会议论文).

17. Shigao Jiang, Decao Niu, Li Liu, Xiaokun Shen, Hongyang Chen and Hua Fu. The relationship of productivity?species richness in the desert ecosystem on Alxa Plateau. In: Evolution and future challenges of grasslands and grassland agriculture in the East Asia. Proceedings of the 4th Japan-China-Korea Grassland Conference. TAISEI Print Co. Ltd. Japan. 2012:82-83(会议论文).

16. Zhuxin Mao, Decao Niu, Bingquan Chu, Hua Fu. Effects of temperature and water stress on dry matter and water soluble carbohydrates in Vicia sativa L.. In: Evolution and future challenges of grasslands and grassland agriculture in the East Asia. Proceedings of the 4th Japan-China-Korea Grassland Conference. TAISEI Print Co. Ltd. Japan. 2012:176-177(会议论文).

15. 杨益,牛得草,文海燕,张宝林,董强,陈菊兰,傅华. 贺兰山不同海拔土壤颗粒有机碳、氮特征.草业学报.2012,21(3):54-60.

14. 张永超,牛得草,韩潼,陈鸿洋,傅华. 补播对高寒草甸生产力和植物多样性的影响. 草业学报.2012,21(2):305-309.

13. 秦燕, 牛得草, 康健, 曹格图, 张斯莲, 傅华. 贺兰山西坡不同类型草地土壤酶活性特征.干旱区研究.2012,29(5):870-877.


12. Decao Niu, Sharon J. hall , Hua Fu, Jian kang, Yan Qin, James J. Elser. Grazing exclusion alters ecosystem carbon pools in Alxa desert steppe. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 2011,54(3):127-142.

11. Kaifa Wang, Na Zhang, Decao Niu, Yang Kuang. Periodic oscillations in a spatially explicit model with delay effect for vegetation dynamics in freshwater marshes. Journal of Biological Systems. 2011,19(2):131-147.

10. 牛得草,董晓玉,傅华. 长芒草不同季节碳氮磷生态化学计量特征. 草业科学. 2011,28(6):915-920.

9. 韩潼,牛得草,张永超,江世高,傅华. 施肥对玛曲县高寒草甸植物多样性及生产力的影响. 草业科学. 2011,28(6): 926-930.

8. 安卓,牛得草,文海燕,杨益,张洪荣,傅华. 氮素添加对黄土高原典型草原长芒草氮磷重吸收效率及C:N:P化学计量特征的影响. 植物生态学报. 2011, 35(8):801-807.


7. 吴克顺,傅华, 张学英,牛得草,塔拉藤.阿拉善荒漠草地8种牧草营养物质季节动态及营养均衡价评价.干旱区研究. 2010 , 27(2): 257-262.

6. 董晓玉, 傅华, 李旭东, 牛得草, 郭丁, 李晓东. 放牧与围封对黄土高原典型草原植物生物量及其碳氮磷贮量的影响. 草业学报. 2010, 19(2): 175-182


5. Niu DC, Fu H, Zhang HR. Hydraulic redistribution through the root systems in Zygophyllum xanthoxylum. International IGC-IRC Congress, Huhehaote, China. 2008

4. 杨鑫光,牛得草,傅华. 植物根一土界面水分再分配研究方法与影响因素. 生态学杂志. 2008,27(10):1779-1784.


3. 薛小红,牛得草,傅华,张洪荣. 沙打旺根系提水作用及其机理研究. 西北植物学报. 2007,27(11):2269-2274.

2. 杨鑫光,傅华,牛得草. 干旱胁迫下幼苗期霸王的生理响应. 草业学报. 2007,16(5):107-112.


1. Li XD, Li XD, Niu DC, Fu H. Soil organic carbon content under different land use in Longzhong part of Loess Plateau. Act prataculturae sinica, 2006, 15: 62-65.




4. 尚振艳,韩炳宏,牛得草,傅华. 苔藓植物实验材料快速培养装置,2014.7.2,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,ZL201420058653.0.(实用新型专利)

3. 牛得草,张洪荣,傅华. 植物根系水分提升监测装置,2014.4.2,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,ZL201310124860.1.(发明专利)


2. 牛得草,张洪荣,傅华. 植物根系水分提升监测装置,2013.8.21,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,ZL201320180212.3.(实用新型专利)


1.      张洪荣,傅华,吴彩霞,牛得草. 免耕播种装置,2012.12.12,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,ZL201220021549.5. (实用新型专利)



11. 国家自然科学基金项目“青海湖流域“水-陆”环境微生物系统对草地退化的响应及机制”,参与人(2016.1-2019.12)。

10. 国家重点研发计划“荒漠化退化草地治理技术及示范”专题“退化草地稳定恢复的近自然植被结构建植及维持技术”,主持人(2016.7-2020.6)。

9. 国家自然科学基金项目“草地土壤微生物群落结构与功能对大气氮沉降的响应及其机制”,主持人(2016.1-2019.12)。

8. 国家自然科学基金项目“黄土高原典型草原生物土壤结皮固碳潜力研究”,主持人(2013.1-2015.12)。

7. 国家科技基础性工作专项“我国温带草原重点牧区草地资源退化状况与成因调查”,参与人(2012.1-2015.12)。

6. 甘肃省科技重大专项“庆阳黄土高原生态治理和水资源高效利用的技术体系研究与示范”,参与人(2012.1-2014.12)。

5. 农业部公益行业性专项“草原鼠害(高原属兔、鼢鼠、布氏田鼠)生物防控技术的研究与示范”,参与人(2011.1-2015.12)。

4. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项专题“应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题—东阿拉善荒漠草地固碳现状、速率、机制和潜力”,副主持人(2011.1-2015.12)。

3. 9001jcc金沙以诚为本中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“贺兰山植物叶片碳氮磷化学计量学特征及其对环境因子的响应”,主持人(2011.1-2012.12)。

2. 国家自然科学基金项目“植物生态化学计量特征的垂直地带性及其与物种多样性的关系”,参与人(2010.1-2013.12)。

1. 国家科技支撑项目“黄河重要水源补给区(玛曲)退化草地植被恢复关键技术与示范推广模式研究”,参与人(2009.1-2011.12)。


